Prioritize and Choose Automotive Success!

Just finished watching a short video by Dave Anderson, and I have it attached.  It has a very important message about having a daily game plan, and prioritizing.  Making space for those truly important things, and then scheduling in the menial tasks.

I want to take that a step further, not only having the discipline to game plan, but the patience to stay with what is important.

Here are two examples.  While making a visit to a great repeat client, I took the time to sit with one of my graduates.  He is successfully averaging 14 cars per month on the floor.  In the first 90 days his employment was in doubt, Management felt he was never going to “get it”.  Even as they questioned the time they had already spent, Management pressed on.  Continued to make furthering, this great resource, a priority.  Like a determined farmer they sowed the ground until there was a robust crop.  Eureka!  Finally the time and effort paid off, and this Sales Consultant found his way.

The second example happens dozens of times each day in a Dealership.  We work with a new client, and reach a perceived end point.  We send the client off to “get educated”.  Why do we let this potential client leave?  Here is the answer, there is a perception that the additional time we could spend would not finish with a sale.  Shouldn’t this be a high priority?!  It is the reason we all show up in the Dealership.  

With these two examples I hope we can all see that we need to game plan our work life.  Spend our time and effort on the two most important things; human capital, and clients.  There is no higher calling, and any extra minute we spend on each, is another minute towards our success. 

Wouldn’t everyone agree that the longer a Sales Consultant works at our Dealership the higher the potential, and that the longer a client stays in our Dealership the greater the odds for a sale?  Most times it is completely within our control!

I will leave you with that great video by Dave Anderson: