Your recruiting decisions and program are only as good as the information you have. Maximizing your effectiveness is about collecting enough data to know what is working and what isn't.
Recruitment HQ understands these needs, and leverages the power of technology to deliver powerful data to your Management Team. The goal is to give your team the knowledge that will improve the interviewing process and get the right candidates to want to work for your company.
There are five major qualities of an interview that control a prospective employees impression of your company and job offer:

Every candidate that goes for an interview, with our clients, receives a survey and is encouraged to give confidential feedback about their experience in each of the five areas. The numeric results are shared with the Leadership in your company. By comparing your results with our National averages you can easily craft a plan to improve the interview process and motivate more candidates to accept your positions.
Here is a graph of National averages. This is the percentage of time clients receive a 5 out of 5 in each category:
Our Client Reports have more in-depth data available. We can narrow down in each category, and correlate it with candidates that accept or turn-down your job offer. Armed with this information an Employer Brand Ambassador can help craft an interview plan that will motivate candidates to want your job.
You can have a perfect hiring plan, but whether or not you are able to hire the right person boils down to the relationship between the candidate and your interviewer.
Understanding candidate motivation is a key element to any staffing campaign. Why did a job seeker choose to apply to my job?
Once you know what motivates candidates in your market advertising can be massaged to make you stand out against competitors. Our Hiring Ambassadors ask every person we interview why they chose to apply to the advertised position. As we build up applicants and statistical data in your market our advertising plans evolve.
Recruitment HQ also has key data linking the quality of the candidate to the types of motivational messages that are the most interesting.
Did you know that the higher the candidate quality, the more they are interested in company reputation?
That came from over 2,000 interviewed candidates, when we matched our interview scoring and responses to what motivated the applicant to choose the job ad. Just a small sample of the type of information we use to craft ads that work.
The goal is to drive more candidates to your ad, and couple that with our interview insights to finish with higher quality people hired.
Gathering and analyzing data about the people and processes that make up a successful recruiting program is a never-ending task. Thankfully we love crunching numbers!
Right now we are working on a profile of people that work in Sales related positions. Surveys are being conducted with people that apply to be Sales Reps, Business Development Reps, Customer Service Agents, Service Advisors, and any other role that is client facing. Each person that applies to one of our positions is being offer the ability to complete an anonymous survey.
The survey is about the worker's life outside work. The types of activities the do on their day off, their shopping habits, media consumption, even how they like to communicate. Statistics gain from the survey will aid in building a profile of how salespeople live when they aren't working. The results will be sorted against our interview grading, allowing us to determine differences in profile by quality of candidate.
Expected insight outcomes:
- Ability to profile a candidate's potential quality by their non-work habits
- Understanding of where to prospect locally for the highest quality help
- Knowledge of what motivates the best salespeople to aid our clients in building contests or bonuses
We have a targeted the 3rd Quarter of 2018 for completion. We are also working on starting a matching survey for presently working sales reps. If your company wants to have your staff participate, in exchange for a full report on the data and our insight into using, please contact us. We can make hiring better together.