Retain Your Sales Consultants – The Orientation

In my travels the hottest issue, from Dealers around the country, has been retention of the Sales Consultants I recruit for Dealers.  Thousands of dollars spent to attract and retain employees, only to see the cycle begin again and again.  The next few weekly blogs will deal with how to keep the valuable assets you are spending your hard earn dollars to bring in to your store.

It all starts at day one.  You find that great person to share your business with, and now we need to create a partnership.  Bring this new profit center into the Dealership culture.  

Start by having a welcome meeting with the Owner, GM, GSM, HR, and all other Department Heads.  Create a written welcome letter, employee handbook, with a giant introduction ceremony.  Include pertinent forecast information, and a brief overview of where the Dealership is headed.  Build confidence in the new employees that they are a part of a plan for growth.  

Next break the meeting attaching the new employees to one of the other meeting attendees that will be in charge of introduction and orientation to the Store.  Walk the new employee through every department, and introduce them to every single employee presently working throughout the Dealership.

Create positive relationships from day one.  Control the meetings, no negative gossip, department sniping, or de-motivation.  This first step will create an inclusion in the Dealership culture.  A strong base to build on, so when the going gets tough there are tight bonds to help get them through.

Coming next, the schedule and certification.  Creating the right habits.Image